As your parents grow older, you may start to notice some signs of decline. Aging usually comes with changes that may cause difficulties in a senior’s overall health and lifestyle. Your parent may require elderly care if they have a recent injury, multiple chronic health conditions, or general difficulties with daily activities.
However, many seniors are reluctant to ask for help. This usually stems from a fear of losing their independence. Hence, it’s helpful to learn the common warning signs that may signal the need for assistance. Here’s how to know if it’s time to consider licensed personal care homes in Georgia:
- Poorly Maintained Home
You may find dishes piled up in the sink, a dirty bathroom, or used clothes scattered around the house. There may be expired food, smoke detectors with old batteries, and similar issues that pose a danger.
- Mismanaged Finances
Your elderly parent may forget to pay bills on time or receive late payment notices. Additionally, they may exhibit frequent forgetfulness or confusion. This may cause them to forget their medication or get confused when doing routine tasks like grocery shopping.
- Poor Personal Hygiene
You may notice your loved one is not showering, doing laundry, or brushing their teeth. A personal care home placement in Jackson, Georgia can help your loved one with their hygiene needs.
If you notice any of these signs in your elderly loved one, it may be time to consider alternative living services in Georgia. We at Friendly Neighbors Alternative Living Services offer assistance with placement depending on your loved one’s location and needs. Reach out to us to learn more.
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