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Tips for Seniors to Avoid Stress

Our adrenal glands release stress chemicals like adrenaline and cortisol when we are under stress, which causes our muscles to tense up. Our energy levels increase as a result of these hormones, which also cause an increase in blood pressure...

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Why 24-Hour Care Is a Better Alternative

Does your loved one need 24-hour care but want to move away from home?Friendly Neighbors Alternative Living Services is suitable for seniors and people with disabilities who require round-the-clock support in a residential setting. We...

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The Importance of Physical Activities for Seniors

Maintaining a consistent level of physical activity helps support healthy mental health. Incorporating exercise into one's daily routine can be extremely beneficial to one's general well-being. Doing physical exercise daily is not only...

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Don’t Take Socializing for Granted

With humans being social creatures, we encounter many opportunities for socialization throughout every stage of our lives. But as we enter the latter portion of our lives, these opportunities can become fewer and farther between. Providing...

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The Advantages of 24-Hour Care

This world presents so many threats to our health with numerous factors to be wary of. Once our health is compromised, we need to take the right steps to regain the best state of our health. As we provide personal care home placement...

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Helping Seniors With Their Ambulation

Patients recovering from surgery typically require ambulation assistance. This can be achieved by simply moving or walking around, whether independently or with the help of mobility aids. It is the least hazardous form of activity as it aids in...

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